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Special Services

Welcome to Lakeland Joint School District's Special Services Department.


The mission of Lakeland Joint School District 272 is to provide a quality education, empowering all students to achieve success. We are a community committed to academic excellence and dedicated to student success!

Kelsie Badger Director of SPED and Federal Programs (208) 687-0431 ext. 1113

Kelsey Hull

Medicaid Specialist (208) 687-0431 ext. 1604

Sheila Pote

SPED Coordinator (208) 687-0431 ext. 1603
Norma Needs Title 1 Coordinator (208) 687-0661 ext. 1122
Jen Jones Board Certified Behavior Analyst  (208) 687-0431 ext. 1124
Caitlyn Grenier Behavior Specialist (208) 687-0431 ext. 1125
First page of the PDF file: SpecialEducationProcess
First page of the PDF file: IdahoSpecialEducationManual2018

Developmental Preschool

Developmental Preschool Phone Number (208) 687-5870
Developmental Preschool is located at Twin Lakes Elementary School

The Lakeland Developmental Preschool provides early intervention services for children who are between the ages of three and five who have a developmental delay in one or more of the following areas: speech, language, motor development, concepts, behavior, vision or hearing.

In order to receive services in the district preschool program, children must meet State eligibility requirements to receive special education services. The Developmental Preschool offers a structured, age-appropriate setting designed to meet the individual needs of each child. Areas incorporated into the daily schedule include language development, social communication skills, nutrition, readiness skills for kindergarten, self-help skills and motor development. Professionals from a variety of disciplines work together to meet the individual needs of all children eligible for the preschool program.

Free Developmental Screening @ Twin Lakes Elementary 

Call (208) 687-5870 to schedule an appointment

For all children in the Lakeland School District 3-5 years old who may have individual needs that result from disabilities and may benefit from special services.