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Staff Directory

Lisa Arnold Superintendent (208) 687-0431 ext. 1111
Dr. Lynn Paslay Assistant Superintendent (208) 687-0431 ext. 1116
Kelsie Badger Director of SPED and Federal Programs (208) 687-0431 ext. 1113
Jessica Grantham Chief Finance Officer/Treasurer (208) 687-0431 ext. 1109
Brook Cunningham Director of Human Resources (208) 687-0431 ext. 1104
Rebekah Davis Executive Assistant to the Superintendent   (208) 687-0431 ext. 1115
Maria Parker Clerk of the Board (208) 687-0431 ext. 1118
Chelsea Pursley

Accounting Specialist

(208) 687-0431 ext. 1103
Olivia Jones Human Resources Assistant (208) 687-0431 ext. 1121
Morgan Speer Payroll Specialist (208) 687-0431 ext. 1106
Annette Beaton Accounts/Payable Specialist (208) 687-0431 ext. 1102
Gwen Dahlin Receptionist (208) 687-0431 ext. 1101
Kelsey Hull Medicaid Specialist (208) 687-0431 ext. 1604
Amy Gabiou School Psychologist (208) 687-0431 ext. 1114
Christie Haase School Psychologist (208) 687-0431 ext. 1605

Diana Schmitt

School Psychologist (208) 993-7486

Burnadette Yates

School Psychologist  

Sheila Pote

SPED Coordinator (208) 687-0431 ext. 1603
Norma Needs Title 1 Coordinator (208) 687-0661 ext. 1122
Jen Jones Board Certified Behavior Analyst  (208) 687-0431 ext. 1124
Caitlyn Grenier Behavior Specialist (208) 687-0431 ext. 1125
Jacquie Neff Multimedia Specialist (208) 687-0431
Adam Wilson Interim Director of Facilities & Maintenance (208) 687-2248 ext. 1302
Jessica Dehnert Director of Transportation  (208) 687-0221 ext. 1202
Lannette Breshears Interim Director of Nutrition Services

(208) 687-5451 ext. 1502

Chad Parson Instructional Technology Director (208) 687-4350 ext. 1405
Justin Graupman

Network Administrator

(208) 687-4350 ext. 1400
Tifani Young Test Coordinator and Tech Integration Spec. (208) 687-0431
Kaci Parson Base Site Coordinator - Garwood (208) 687-1265 ext. 4407
Connie Allphin
Base Site Coordinator - Athol  
(208) 683-2231 ext. 4106
Stephanie Center Base Site Coordinator - John Brown (208) 687-0551 ext. 4315
Judy Gerstenberger School Nurse - AE, TMS (208) 691-2648 ext. 4104
Melissa Rose School Nurse - THS, SLE (208) 290-5473 ext. 4505
Rob Susca School Nurse - GE, TLE (208) 659-5619 ext. 4634
Patty Morrow School Nurse - BKE (208) 661-0973 ext. 4204
Dustin Hutchison School Nurse - LMS, MHS (208) 687-0661 ext. 3107
Robin Morlan School Nurse - LHS, JBE (208) 687-0661 ext. 2111