Within 10 days of application, parents or guardians must provide the Lakeland JSD with the students attendance and discipline records from their current school. The Lakeland JSD shall notify the applicant within 60 days of their approval or denial.
Current Open Enrollment numbers
January 2025 Open Enrollment Numbers
October 2024 Open Enrollment Numbers
September 2024 Open Enrollment Numbers
If you have a Student who is NEW to the District* then you would first go to: https://tinyurl.com/LakelandEnroll and create an account UNLESS you already have another active child in the District. In that case you would login to Family Access (link under Returning Student Verification heading below) and start the process.
99% of the time your username will be your email address and your password will be a 5 digit code that is emailed to you. If you don't get the email then you can ask the school and they can look up the password for you.
Once you have an account created and your login details then you can sign in to continue the application here: https://tinyurl.com/EnrollApplication with email address and 5 digit password it provided you.
Do NOT use this for Students who finished the year in our District last year.
Not sure which school your student would be in? Map of attendance zones - CLICK HERE. Still unsure of where your child is zoned? You can contact the district office at 208-687-0431 or our transportation department at 208-687-0221
*A student is considered new if they did not finish the year with us.
Returning students verification opens May 1st of each year.
If you have a Student who finished with us last year and is returning to the District then you would go to: https://tinyurl.com/FamStuAccess to verify their information.
99% of the time your username as a guardian would be: firstnamelastname so if your name is Jane Doe then it would be: janedoe. If you don''t know your password then it can be reset by the office staff if you ask the school.
Another option is to choose the forgotten password button and put in your email address to have it email you a password reset.
Do NOT use this for Students who are new to District this year UNLESS you are enrolling a sibling of a current student and you already have a Family Access login.
Need Skyward HELP?
Email: helpdesk@lakeland272.org with your full name and your child's full name and we can look up your account for you.
Please remember to register your child(ren) for school before you leave for the summer. We do not have registration dates in August as we have had in the past. Our administrators will work on class lists in June before they leave for the summer. If your child is not registered, they will be unable to put him/her on a class list or schedule our secondary students for the classes they requested.
If you did not fill these out in the Skyward online registration area and they apply to you:
Open Enrollment/Zone Transfers/Staff Waivers
Free/Reduced Application on the Nutrition Services page.
Note: Athletes are also required to complete Sports forms before participation in extracurricular activities:
Access LJHS Sports forms
Access LHS Sports forms
Access TJHS Sports forms
Access THS Sports forms
Requirements for Students new to the District
Idaho Law requires proof of identity and birth date of all new students. The proof is required within thirty days of registration and must be by certified copy of the birth certificate or other reliable proof of a student's identity, such as a passport, visa, or other governmental documentation of the child’s identity. However, such other forms of identification must also be accompanied with an affidavit explaining the inability to produce a copy of the birth certificate.
According to Board Policy all new and existing students are required to show two current Proof of Residency documents. 1 MUST be a current Mortgage or Rental Document, Lease or Property Tax Statement or Deed and the other must be a Utility bill with address on it somewhere.
Entrance age
A child registering in kindergarten must be five (5) years of age on or before the first day of September. A child enrolling in first grade must be six (6) years of age on or before the first day of September. Proof of age will be required at the time of registration. (Any 5-year-old child who has completed a private or public out-of-state kindergarten for the required 450 hours but has not reached the school age requirement in Idaho shall be allowed to enter the first grade.)
To simplify the registration process, parents should plan to provide the required proof of birth date, identity, and residency at the time of registration along with immunization record.
2024 Immunization Requirements:
Parents Guide to School Immunization (Click blue button to view)
Attendance Zone Transfers
Parents of students who are residents in one Lakeland attendance zone and wish to have their child attend another Lakeland zone/school must apply annually. Students with attendance zone transfer applications on file from last year and who have completed zone transfer application for the coming year may register in the school they last attended. Students applying for an attendance zone transfer for the first time will be required to register in the school of the attendance zone wherein they reside. Enrollment trends across the district observed during registration will be considered in granting final approval for any zone transfer applications.