GATE (Gifted and Talented Education)
Testing Procedures:
Testing for the Lakeland gifted and talented program begins at the end of 3rd grade and in an open enrollment through 6th grade. Below are the steps the district takes to identify students for gifted and talented services.
- Teacher or Parent Referral- Teacher, or parent, are to complete the district referral form for gifted and talented services. Along with this referral the Scales for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS) must also be completed and turned into the gifted and talented instructor for that grade level.
- Ed team meeting- A team of district employees, to include the teacher, gifted and talented instructor, principal, counselor, and other applicable members, meet to review referral paperwork, grade level benchmarking and other applicable data to determine if a student moves onto testing at this time.
- If decided to move onto testing continue the procedure, if not contact parents to explain
- Permission to Test- If testing was recommended by the team a permission to test will be sent home for parents so the testing may begin.
- Testing- Students are given tests including creativity, reading, math and written language. If necessary to meet qualification requirements (see requirements below) students may be asked to also take an intelligence test.
- Data Review- Once all testing is complete scores are reviewed to determine eligibility for the program. Parents are contacted by the gifted and talented instructor with results.
- Secondary Qualification Route- Students who do not qualify may be re-visited if certain criteria in testing are met.
Qualification Requirements:
Students must meet 3 of the 4 following criteria to qualify for the district gifted and talented program.
· Was nominated by two or more persons knowledgeable about the student’s ability
· Scored at or above the 98th on an individually administered test of intellectual activity (IQ testing)
· Scored at or above the 98th percentile in two or more areas of academic achievement on an individually administered test of achievement (Woodcock Johnson Achievement test)
· Scored at or above the 90th percentile on a test of creativity
Parent Resources:
Below are links to online resources for parents to help support their students educational and emotional needs.
- Bertie Kingore's High Achiever, Gifted Learner, Creative Thinker: This article helps explain characteristics of students that fall within these three realms.
- Idaho: The Association for the Gifted- Learn about opportunities for students around the state and what is going on in legislature for gifted education.
Invent Idaho Information
Allison McCormick - Lakeland Middle School Winner
Elizabeth McCormick: Best Notebook with invention "Drink-a-Drop" and invitee to compete at the Americas Invention Convention
For more info, contact Julie Anderson at: